The rules of the HeadKnock Familia Recording Club are simply as the following:
Club rules:
Each artist must pay $40 a month club dues. Non artist must pay $20.
Dues are due at the mandatory meeting once a month. If you can not make it to the meeting your dues need to be turned in before the meeting. Financial situation will be taken into consideration.
Each member of the club must attend the mandatory meeting once a month, extreme circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Each member will receive enough CD's to make a profit off of any monies given to the club, excluding fines and late fees.
Each member will receive enough tickets to recover any monies given for shows and events, if tickets are sold.
Each member will be required to purchase their own t-shirts and vest. Their first t-shirt will cost $20 and each will be $15 a piece after the purchase of the initial shirt, (price for vest coming soon).
Members will be required to pass out the allotted fliers given to them, and must pick up fliers once a week.
Members must wear their t-shirt or vest to all club events or shows
All communications will be given through the Facebook Group HeadKnock Familia, written, or verbally, it is the responsibility of each member to stay up to date on whats going on in the club.
Any disagreements, problems or complaints must be directed toward an enforcer.
Enforcers will be delegated by the President and Vice President of the club.
Recording rules:
Each artist will be given two hours of studio time to record one song a week.
Each artist agrees to book their recording session at least 24 hours in advance.
If an artist needs a feature on a song, he/she is required to record their part of the song then give it to the other artist to write to. Features may be recorded anytime there after and will not be included in the two hours of studio time.
There will be no writing in the studio, come prepared to record.
Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance.
You can not book a recording session if dues, fines or late fees are not paid.
You can only book 1 session per week, if you cancel, do not show up to your session, or your session is canceled because of lateness, you can not book a session til the following week.
All songs will be mixed and mastered immediately after the recording process is complete. Any adjustment to a song previously recorded or mixed and mastered will be considered a session.
Each member owns the right to all of their recorded songs, and will be able to take them with them immediately after being mixed and mastered.
The HeadKnock Familia logo must be placed on all promotional material.
The front of all covers and flyers must state HeadKnock Familia presents.
The HeadKnock Logo must be placed on the inside of the cover must state Executive Produced by Donald (HeadKnock DaGod) Mott Jr., and "recorded, mixed, and "recorded, mixed, and mastered at HeadKnock LLC. (412) 206-9158".
All videos to songs recorded at HeadKnock LLC. must include the HeadKnock Familia intro specified by the HeadKnock Familia President. All material uploaded to the internet must state Executive Produced by Donald (HeadKnock DaGod) Mott Jr., and "recorded, mixed, and mastered at HeadKnock LLC. (412) 206-9158" in the details section of the upload or on the post itself.
If member fails to properly promote HeadKnock LLC., as specified above, that members membership will be terminated. THE HEADKNOCK RECORDING CLUB IS FOR SERIOUS ARTIST ONLY. Extreme circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Fines and Late Fees:
If Dues are not paid at or before the monthly meeting there will be a $1 a day late fee.
If you do not attend the mandatory meeting, you will be subject to a $20 fine. Extreme circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Members will be fined $5 for every 15 minutes they are late to the mandatory meeting, not to exceed $20.
If you do not attend a booked session, without a cancellation, you will be subject to a $20 fine. Extreme circumstances will be taken into consideration.
Artist will be fined $5 for every 15 minutes they are late to a booked session, not to exceed $20.
If you are a hour late for a booked session it will be canceled.
If member does not wear their t-shirt or vest to a HeadKnock Familia event or show, they will be subject to a $10 fine.